For What Matters Most
In 1942, Norman Rockwell captured the iconic American family holiday image. In the years since, what constitutes the iconic American family has blossomed. Our traditions have evolved. What would Norman Rockwell paint today? Would the essence of what he captured then still be what matters most now?
We set out to answer those questions, with four short films, to launch Tylenol's new tagline "For What Matters Most" during the 2014 holiday season.

Web Films
The main film shared the idea across Hulu, YouTube, and social media. Each family also got their own short film so they could more fully share what matters most for them.
Shot on RED, we retouched frames pulled from the video that capture each family in a portrait format similar to the original painting for a gallery on Tylenol.com.
ROLE: Creative Direction TEAM: Jill Applebaum, Itai Inselberg, Sean Ellman